Thursday, November 7, 2019

Maori|Ataaata:Wiki wha T4W4

LI:Is to blog our Ataaata wiki wha.

This week for Maori in T4W4 Mrs Fa Ody told us to be in a Group.then one group had to send us the google that Mrs Fa Ody had made.and Mrs Fa Ody said that in our email there was a link on our G-mail, then we started to go on the google document that mrs fa ody upload a link into the G-mail.

But my group was Diana,Liane,Shinaye,Makaili,Juel,Sasuke and David.then one person who send it was Juel.Juel send it to his group then Juel's groups went on it in the G-mail.once his group went on it we had to finish it but we had to type the translation then we had to copy and paste the maori words and paste it on the word called Macrons added.

While me and my group done it we had to blog it but first we had to screenshot the work that mrs fa ody send us it and put it in our own blogger after that we had to write the learning Intention.then we had to write the DLO,some picture,labels and the title then we had to write what we learnt for maori,What we did in Term 4 Week 4 then we had to publish the maori work.

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