Thursday, September 26, 2019

Swimming|Kiwi Sport T3W9

LI:To learn the safety by using a Life                       Jacket.
For swimming we learnt the safety by using a life jackets so we all had to wear a Life Jacket by trying them if the fit you then once we put on our Life Jackets we have to sit at the deep and it is like 1.38m deep pool so we went to sit down on the concrete close to the 1.38m deep.

 but when we all sitting down on the concrete close to the 1.38m deep, we had to get in the 1.38m deep pool and then once we got in the deep pool we have to get some people in your group and have to lie down in the pool on some of your group.

While we done the first one then we done the second one that you have get a group and have to huddle by using your and your groups arm and try to put up to legs and then you have to swim to the other people that has a group you, your group and the person that has a group had to huddle again and have top do the same thing with your group.

Then we are doing the third one that you have to stand up on the concrete and put you arm the you solder and your hands on the back of your head and have to step and have to fall down in the pool straight down like a pencil.then you have to get up on the concrete again and have to jump to give the swimming teachers an high five because the swimming was finished.

Rugby Profile and Performance

LI:To find an informations of the player.

for this activities we had to find informations about a rugby player. the rugby player I found informations about was sonny bill Williams. Our main objective for this task was to import information and research into this draw to showcase a rugby player.

Venn diagram

LI:Find as many similarities and differences as you can between NZ and Japan.

For activities we had to research whats the same and whats is different about New Zealand and Japan. I found out that Japan is in northern Hemisphere. A similarity between these countries is that prime Minister of NZ and Japan are both politicians for their country. We did this to learn more countries.

What I found About japan

LI:To find out information about Japan

In this task I had to find out five important facts about Japan.One information that really interested me was that the flag meant the sun. I realize that New Zealand is a really really small country compared to Japan because the population of Japan is 126.8 million and the population for New Zealand is 4.794.

Rugby Events | Rugby World Cup

LI:To learn about about history events in the past rugby world cup
This task called rugby events it's about reading so all the things we learnt in reading this year we had to use it to complete this task. We had to find three events in the past rugby world cups that we enjoyed and we had to add an image that was from that rugby world cup. We had to write down the day, event and what was the memories of that rugby world cup and after we do that we had to add a image from that day.

World Time T3W10

LI: To apply inquiry, literacy, numeracy to learn about the RWC.

This year's rugby world cup is lasting 44 days and is taking place in Japan at 6pm. The task we had to do was linking to maths. We needed to find out what time it would be in different countries when Japan's time showed 6pm. For example: If it was 6pm in Japan, what time would it be in Australia? We had to find out the answers to 7 different countries.

AM stands for/means Anti Meridian. PM stands for/means Post Meridian. Anti Meridian means before mid-day. Post Meridian means after mid-day. We learnt that if a country is really big or large with multiple cities and continents it would have different time zones. 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Reading|Persuasive advertisement T3W9

LI:to create a persuasive advertisement.
this week for writing we learnt about persuasive advertisement.and we had to create our on persuasive advertisement by using a google drawing for your poster or the slide called what you want to sell. then once you have finished your poster on a google drawing or the google slide called what you want to sell.

Then we have to send our poster to mr Wong and have to say i made a poster to sell mr Wong something but if you did not finished it then we have to tell mr Wong that you did not finished or if mr Wong says to you to fixed your poster then you have to fixed your poster then once you have fixed your poster then you can blog it.  

Friday, September 20, 2019

reading|Screencastify T3W9


LI:To ask where, what and who question about a text

This week for reading in T3W10 we leant about the Where, What and Who questions.for where,What and the who questions we have to pick one book on the ls1 class site on reading then you have to screencastify and say what 2 times one for the first page of the book and another page of the book then have to say Who once on the page of the page and say it once the book of the page.

Bulldogs we have to pick wich one to read I read the book called the dippy dinner drippers the dippy dinner drippers book is about that when the dippy family were are the messy eaters and they make a mess in their house one person name Mrs dippy and she made her a mamalade one was Mr dippy and he had some conflakse and one named little dippy and she had a drink of milk.

Then once you have finished the book called the dippy dinner drippers you can blog it for reading.


LI:To create our own bomb grid.

This week for maths we had to create our own bomb grid on a google drawing or first.then once you have created your own bomb grid or the bomb grid on the first you can make a new one only the made on the google drawing.

And then you have to do bomb grid 1 answer and copy the bomb grid that you made and then do four google drawing two of the bomb grid and be for answer and the other bomb grid that you have been created in the google drawing bomb grid Then once you did that you have to only blog two bomb grids.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

kiwi can T3W9

LI:to cope with Challenges.
Theme - Resilience
Topic - Dealing with Challenges

We learnt to face our challenges
and experience/attempt them.

We looked at 3 different types of 
challenges and wrote about our feelings
when we face those challenges.

We figured out to coping strategies in groups
of three different types of challenges.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

swimming T3W8

This week in T3W8 for swimming LS1 year six we have to go to swimming in 11:20 but we have to finish our must do task list but we have to get change in our togs then put your Uniform on then we all went back to class and finish our must do.while it was 11:20 we all have to line up outside and wait until the roll is finish then we can walk to the bus then have to wait until the bus comes to take us to the panmure pools.

When the bus was here we went in the bus first and have to sit down all the way at the back then room four came in second so we all were in the bus then we started to go to the panmure pools while we got to the panmure pools ing the bus we all went out of the bus and started to line up outside and we all went to walk inside the panmure pool.

When we all were in the panmure pools we have to go and put our swimming bags in front of the wall and we have to take of our uniform and our socks and shose off then we all started to go to our swimming teachers and have to sit down but not in the pool you have to wait until the swimming teachers says your name on the role.then we all went in the pool and started to go on the platform.

Then we all started to get the mini board and we haver to hold it at the end then we have to swim by using our legs but we have to swim all the to the platform then once we all had a turn we had to have
do it again and have to swim back to platform then we done other staff.while we done other staff the swimming teacher said that it was finished now and then we all went out of the pool and went to get our and have to go in the changing room one has to go on the girls changing room and we have to go on the boys changing room and we have to get change then we have to help the room 4s.

while we all got change we went outside to get in the bus to go back to school.when we got there we went out of the bus and started to line up and we all walked buck to class and have to finish our swimming blog post and we have to write about swimming then we have to put some photos,DLO,labels,title and a learning intention then we can publish it.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Maths|Bomb grid 1 T3W8

LI:To figur the how to go on the finish line of the bomb grid.

This week for maths we were doing a bomb grid and we all have to figur out how to go to the finish line of the bomb grid by using arrow shapes.then we have to write no the text write on the text box we have to write like slide left,right,up,down then you have to write rotate one quater.

After writing them on the text box we had to copy and paste the text box that you have been written then you have to delete the words that you written then while you have been deleting it you have to write a sentence to explain the successful path when you are finished the sentence for the bomb grid you have to blog it then you but first you have to download the bomb grid by using PNG then if you done downloading it you have to write about what you learnt,how you learnt it then you have to put some picture,DLO,Labels and the title then you can publish the bomb grid 1.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Reading|Who question and what Question T3W8

LI:To answer the Who questions and the What questions

Today for reading we learnt about the Who question and the What question for the Who question and the What question  we have to read the book called Zapped the book of zapped is about when Ana and her brother Tai they were building a robot but using equipment for the robot they were using a old toaster,A broken hair dryer,A pair of roller skates and other bits of householder junk. those are the equipment that Tai and Ana to make a robot.

Then Once reading the book called Zapped you have to go on the next LS1 site slide then you have to do some Screencastify and speak then you have to Answer the Question like Who is Ana's brother Ana's brother is Tai that is a Answer then you can copy and paste the Questions about Zapped but you and to put the Questions on the slides then you can write the Answer where the 2nd bullet point then you have to Screenshot the screencastify and the Answer that was on the Questions then you have to put them on your Blogger then you have to write about what did you learnt it and how did learnt it then we have to put some picture,DLO,Labels and title then you can publish the reading blogger about the Who question and the what Questions.

Persuasive Advertisement|Writing T3W8

LI:To create a persuasive advertisement.
This week for writing we learnt about the persuasive advertisement for the persuasive advertisement we have to pick wich one to sell mr Wong something then we can go and finish or google slide pick the one that you pick and you have to get a photos by typing on google search and then you have to put your photos on the google slide for what do you want to sell then you have to go on the other slide and type about how much dose it cost then you have to blog it then you have to  write a title,learning Attention,DLO,picture and some label the you have to write about what you learnt it and how you learnt it then you can publish it.

Kiwi can T3W8

LI:to deal with challenges.

Topic: deal with challenges.

We need to practice dealing with challenges to deal with them easily in the future.
We did a bus stop we had to explain the challenges in the picture.  

Monday, September 9, 2019

Duffy Assembly role module T3W8

Today for the Duffy Assembly there was a guest. the guest name was Jamie Wall.Jamie Wall works at the Maori television,Radio NZ,News hub and Stuff.Jamie wall goes to different countries like Japan,Italy,Argentina,France,England,Ireland and Australia

Then Jamie wall told us about when his dad showed him the book and the book was called Mens in black men in black is about when the all blacks goes to different countries to play against other teams and then Jamie wall showed us the whole class a movie about when Jamie wall went to watch like All Blacks,Warriors and all the other players that are playing rugby.

Once the movie started we done a questions then after all the questions we all started to stand up and then we started to sing of the national anthem.while we done doing our national anthem we all sitting down on the floor and we all went to wait for our teachers to tell us to stand up then we all went back to class and the lS1 we have to finished our blog post about jamie wall then we have to put a DLO,Labels and theTitle.

Then we have to write about what we did for the Duffy Assembly and how we did about the Duffy Assembly then you can Publish the Duffy Assembly role module.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Reading|{Who Question} T3W7

LI:To answer the {who Question} about a text.

Today for reading in T3W7 we learnt about the {Who Questions}.For the {Who Question} we have to write in the google slide.We have to write the answers to the Questions.We have to make our own questions.