Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Duffy Assembly

 This week all the other class went in the hall for duffy Assembly then we saw three duffy Guest and then one duffy guest was doing the guitars and then the guest started using the Guitars then we were all singing the duffy song. and i enjoyed the duffy song.

Then we were watch three duffy guest doing a fun show the show was called magic blocks its like a game and then the duffy guest was pretending.then one person went to put the pink glasses then on duffy guest went into the game also called magic block but it was not real life it was all fake,

After that also one duffy guest was wear a suit to pretend that its is the the magic blocks but there was another duffy guest wearing a yellow , orange suite and a yellow hemet the person thats wearing just like a wearing a worker suite.

And then the duffy guest that wearing a fake worker suite was pushing the blocks the one duffy guest began to full over then the the duffy said brick the one was running away from someone and the other one was chasing after him then the duffy guest started wearing a different fake suite the we all said yes to him to wear a pirate suite that was fake. 

but it was locked so he was wearing a fake chicken suite then its was the end of the duffy show so we all went back to class then we went to finish our duffy Assembly.

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